Saturday, 10 September 2011

I'm Still Here

But I've got houseguests and haven't had time to post or read blogs for a few days now.

Super quick update on my frozen cycle. Took my last birth control pill yesterday so now it's just a wait for auntie flo and then we're off!!


  1. Enjoy your guests! Keeping my fingers crossed for you and this cycle!

  2. Woot! Enjoy your guests. I didn't realize you had already jumped in the FET boat. I better get cracka lackin myself if I'm going to cycle w you guys.

  3. Praying. Praying. Your new normal is going to change again. I can feel it!

  4. I'm starting lupron soon... I guess part of me hoped that one last IUI would do the trick, but sadly I am more fucked up than I ever could have imagined. Sorry for the IF rant.. but looking forward to following your FET.

  5. Have fun with your guests and welcome af!
