Thursday, 17 February 2011

What an Honor

I am so humbled and grateful today.

This little blog of mine is being spotlighted over at an amazing blog called Honoring Our Angels. It was set up by Monica on behalf of her daughter Devon who was stillborn November 2008. She started the site to serve as a resource for people who have lost a child.

It's an amazing place with lots of resources and stories from other women who have suffered the loss of their babies. I highly recommend you go over and check it out.

Thank you so much Monica. Not just for spotlighting my story, but for all the work you've put into making some great resources available to all of us.


  1. Congrats and thanks for sharing the page! I'm always looking for new and old pages to share with people and explore!

  2. Congratulations on being spotglighted! It's a great feeling to know when someone has found your blog inspiring and wants to share! :) I'm a new friend & follower from Weekend Wanderer. Hope you'll come visit!

