Friday, 9 December 2011

The Last Jab

Last night I did my last injection of del Estrogen.

The very last jab!! <---Insert cheers and applause here.

I can't tell you just how excited I am to not have to inject myself with anymore needles! I still have to "shoot the pooper" twice a day with progesterone, but only until next week. Then I'm DONE with all the hormones. I can't wait!

Our next ultrasound is on Monday. This is the NT scan where they check for your risk of downs syndrome and a few other things as well. I'm hoping for a good result on this one since our egg donor is in her 20's. I'm also happy for another chance to see Frosty.

I am praying that there is a good heartbeat and we can see our little Frosty wiggling around in there. I have this lingering fear that we will go in on Monday and see nothing. The Hubby gets mad at me and tells me to have positive thoughts. So that's what I'm trying to do.

I am having positive thoughts.
I am having positive thoughts.
I am having positive thoughts.


  1. sending positive thoughts from afar to you

    xx georgi

  2. I'll heap on a few more positive thoughts (the more the merrier I suppose)!

  3. I am sending positive thoughts, as well. They do kind of look like frosty. That is a new analogy to me =)

  4. Hang in there! Positive thoughts coming your way :)

  5. Sending my positive thoughts to you, too! Hang in there...

  6. Wishing you a postively positive weekend. All will be well on Monday, fingers crossed for you and prayers to the sky.

  7. Sending positive thoughts as well. Yeah for no more needles though...that is definite cause to celebrate :)

  8. Lots of good thoughts and positive vibes coming your way!

  9. Oh man. That's a wonderful thing to be done with injections! I never had to inject, but I did have progesterone and that was a celebration when I finished those, too. Hardly the same annoyance/pain scale, but an act of trying to keep myself pregnant as opposed to my body just doing what it's freaking supposed to.

    Wishing and hoping for such wonderful things in heartbeat form! C'mon, baby!

  10. I know how you feel. I finished my last intragam injection a week ago, and my bum is so glad not to be sore with those injections. Yay! I was also worried to get to that 12 week scan but I did make it. I think acknowledging your negative fears is ok, as much as it is also ok to acknowledge the positive outcome. Give yourself a break! After all we have been through with infertility, it is ok to worry, I don't think it ever stops!!

  11. How great to not have to do any more injections. Sending positive thoughts your way for the next scan!

  12. I hope it went well for you today.

  13. So happy you're done with shots! I just found out today that my insurance won't pay for the endometrin suppositories, so I might be doing shots for the entire first tri. Awesome. I did it with my first and survived, so i can do it again. And besides, $50/ week vs $250/week? I'll take the bum pain, thxverymuch!
