Friday, 28 October 2011

2nd Beta

My second beta test was today and the numbers more than doubled! So I'm still pregnant. I have one more on Monday just to be sure but it's looking positive so far.

I am starting to believe that I may really be pregnant. But I know there's still a bunch of denial going on as well.

I feel speechless and wordless as to how I'm feeling. So it's a short post for today, but a good one.


  1. Sending good thoughts your way! Have they said anything about multiples yet? (My first beta was high and subsequently doubled every 1.4 was twins. I lost them at 14w2d, but those first weeks were so full of excitement after all the Hell of infertility leading up that.)

  2. Oh wow - I had to follow up my Rewind visit with a current post to see how you were travelling... and I find this! SO excited for you. Have all extremities crossed and sending you all the best wishes in the world.

  3. Fantastic result :)) Such good news... love to you and bub xoxo

  4. This continues to warm my heart and exccite me. It give me a feeling of hope for myself.

  5. Wonderful, wonderful news. I'm so thrilled for you.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Pardon me for my absence from the bloggy land for a small while...but I have come back to great news!

    You and Tippy, both of you have made me so happy!

    May the good news keep rolling in.

    Take Care, and ummmm.....


  8. YEAH!!!! So glad to hear the great news!!!

  9. Congratulations - I'm so pleased.

  10. Great news! I hope all continues to be well

  11. Great news! Believe it or not, you're pregnant! :)

  12. That's awesome news. It's natural to still have anxiety and doubt. Keeping you in my prayers and thoughts for a smooth 9 months.

  13. yay!! I'm so glad for you! hoping monday's result looks great. i didn't get a third beta, but just waiting for our first ultrasound... and i've been kind of freaking out about symptoms because they were there for me around my first and second beta and then they went away. but just yesterday they returned and yes, i too am finally beginning to believe that this could really be our time. best wishes!!!

  14. YAY! I'm so happy for you!

  15. So excited for continued good news! Sending lots of positive energy your way.
